Do you require a unique ADC or DAC design specifically tailored to your application?
Gage Applied Technologies Inc. (GaTi) provides design services to many technology companies.
Custom ADC or DAC hardware, software and firmware solutions provided by GaTi usually leverage the GaGe or Signatec product lines.
GaTi specializes in the creation of PC-based connected systems that are often intended for the replacement of existing legacy instrumentation.
1. Custom, high-performance digitizer or generator hardware
2. Modifications to GaGe or Signatec digitizer or generator products for specialized applications
1. Custom software applications
2. Specific changes, additions, or upgrades to standard GaGe or Signatec software drivers and/or software applications
1. High speed FPGA cores or GPU software for custom data processing applications
2. Changes or upgrades to standard GaGe or Signatec data processing FPGA applications
GaTi will design and integrate large channel count, multi-board, GaGe and Signatec waveform digitizers and generators into complete turn-key systems. In addition, GaTi can incorporate high–speed synchronization hardware, absolute GPS time referencing and RF up-convertor and down-convertor hardware.